In our services HTML5 and related web development technologies regulated by the W3C enable you to take advantage of some good features that generate web applications that are user-friendly.
We integrate ASP.NET with HTML5. In our services HTML5 and related web development technologies regulated by the W3C enable you to take advantage of some good features that generate web applications that are user-friendly.
Our ASP.NET developers write LOB applications which make it to easily exploit HTML5 form because ASP.NET now ships with ASP.NET MVC4 application templates, which make it easy to integrate HTML 5 into web forms and previous versions of ASP.NET. The HTML forms elements now provide support to automatic validation of several standard data types, resulting in fewer pseudo-classes make the code more maintainable by reducing the script that would typically run in place of new, more flexible selectors that create the same behaviors.
For HTML features to work properly in Web Forms or views, we use HTML5 counterparts to make sure that to integrate HTML5 and ASP.NET web application is updated.